Tuesday 31 January 2012

MRB High School Parlakhemundi, January 18, 2012

16 teachers from this school are undergoing training.
HM: Subhash Chandra Chowdhury
The HM is new to this school and was earlier the DI of Koraput district and as such had attended training in SCERT of two days duration as a administrator. He is desirous of attending the entire 18 days training meant for the educators and this will currently be a problem as 3rd phase of training is underway in DPIASE and he can attend from the 4th phase. He needs to be updated by the monitoring expert at the school itself. As such his understanding of technology integration in teaching learning is sketchy as he is only trained in the usage of office suite and it is of critical importance that he understands what appropriate and effective integration of technology in teaching learning is all about - as he is the most important link in the chain.
Had a word with the students/in fact interacted with the entire class and found that all the students get a chance to visit the computer lab twice a week but are actually able to use the computers once a week. The school has six computers but one is with the HM, one is being used for Edusat and one of them is again being kept in the HMs personal quarters, within the school. I have requested the HM to move the computer from his personal quarters to the school lab to which he has agreed.
[ ]  Objective of visit: to watch two collaborative projects on sound and reflection and make an assessment as to what extent the DE program in embedded in the school ecosystem. There was time for only one project - sound.
Participating teachers: Subhashree Padhi/G. Govindaraju
Collaborative project on sound / observations
[ ]  Lesson plan and micro lesson planning available. Had forgot to add an introductory question as part of the same. Anyway she started with one although she had not mentioned the same as part of the plan.
[ ]  Topic was introduced indirectly
[ ]  Questions were posed to the class and this made the class interactive
[ ]  Some questions were also posed to the individual students
[ ]  Teacher played a facilitating role instead of preaching
[ ]  Students took down notes
[ ]  Made effective use of black board by drawing some diagrams to better explain how sound waves travel. These images are available in Edukit but as the project was being done in a classroom, black board had to be used, as the lap top (monitoring experts) could not meet the needs of the entire class
[X]  Critical Remarks
[X]  Students worked in groups\ activity. Role allocation was absent
[X]  An interesting part was that the HM and one of the science teachers were observing the class with me and they pointed out that the teacher doing the project had missed out on an important part - how auditory nerves carry the vibrations from the ear to the brain
[X]  I wrapped up the day with a discussion with all the teachers who have attended the training, trying to gauge what they have imbibed from the same, especially the brain based learning part because that will determine how they teach and how much of an effort are they making in changing their pedagogy in which effective and appropriate use of computers is but a part.
[X]  I had to take up this discussion because I found that most of the teachers raise questions like - there is a shortage of time, so much of syllabus to cover etc. which points to the fact that they haven't understood our basic objective, which is to make classroom teaching a deeper and richer experience for both the teachers and students,make learning a joyful experience, getting the students to delve deeper and thereby reducing absentism and improving the overall academic atmosphere in the long run.

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