Saturday 15 October 2011

DE-MAST / Stewart School

A meeting between AIF and the Stewart School Management was held on the 14th of October 2011, in Stewart School. The meeting focused on the nuts and bolts of starting a DE-Mast Centre in the school premises, leveraging the DELL lab, which has been recently set up by AIF, with a funding support from the Jain family. 

The meeting was a successful one and concluded on a very positive note. It was decided that AIF will implement the MAST program in Stewart School and as a part of that will be implementing some of its well known and popular courses such as ITES, Retail, Plumbing, Fitter etc. The ITES course, which will make use of the high-end DELL lab will start in a months time and all the formalities such as the signing of the MoU will be completed,  by then. 

This will be the first MAST Centre to be set up and run by AIF in Orissa. The courses will be run by Aide-et-Action, our implementation partners.

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