Thursday 23 June 2011

DE Orissa Picnic

The DE Orissa Team recently had a day out and visited Konark, Ram Chandi on the Marine Drive and there on via Puri to Satpada where we went inside the Chilika Lake and spent quite some time watching the playful Irrawady Dolphins.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

AYV Lite Training Program

A one day training program for 6 teachers from the three selected schools of Berhampur, Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar were the AYV Lite program will be implemented from November onwards, was held in the DE State Resource Centre in SCERT Bhubaneshwar. Roopak conducted the training and the workshop was attended by three of the DE team members.

DE Vs Non-DE - A Comparative Study

5 DE vs 5 Non-DE schools were chosen from Puri, Khordha, Cuttack, Kendrapada, Sambalpur, Bargarh and Ganjam districts. Data on average pass percentage in Maths, Science and English, in the annual examination (HSC for class 10 and school internal examination for class 8), for the academic year 09-10, was collected and compared. The Non-DE schools were selected from amongst those not having computers.
The study was an exercise in primary data collection in order to explore a correlation (positive or negative), if any between effective and appropriate use of technology in education and academic performance – in terms of overall pass percentage in Mathematics, Science and English.
There was a structured intervention, over a period of three years, in 30 DE schools (with computers) as part of the Digital Equalizer Program in techno-pedagogy. The 30 Non DE schools were selected from amongst those without computers. 
The results of the study are pretty interesting.
Summary of findings:
Class 10
  • Overall pass percentage in Mathematics in DE schools is 89.06% while in case of Non-DE schools it is 66.27
  • Overall pass percentage in Science in DE schools is 88.49% while in case of Non-DE schools it is 65.50
  • Overall pass percentage in English in DE schools is 85.78% while in case of Non-DE schools it is 64.97
Class 8
  • Overall pass percentage in Mathematics in DE schools is 59.80% while in case of Non-DE schools it is 36.60
  • Overall pass percentage in Science in DE schools is 65.69% while in case of Non-DE schools it is 40.42
  • Overall pass percentage in English in DE schools is 56.18% while in case of Non-DE schools it is 36.84

Zonal Centre - Western Zone

Two of the zonal centre's for the western zone - PMIASE Sambalpur and DIET Sambalpur were inaugurated by the Hon'ble Minister, School and Mass Education, Pratap Jena on the 27th of September 2010.
  Dr. Parsuram Mishra Institute of Advance Studies in Education, Sambalpur and DIET Sambalpur- the two centers in western zone, will serve as training centers for 30 Schools of  Sambalpur and Bargarh districts. 90 teachers from 8 secondary schools of Sambalpur & Bargarh districts and 6 Upper Primary schools of Sambalpur district will undergo training in zonal centre in PMIASE. 98 teachers from 16 Upper Primary schools of Sambalpur & Bargarh districts will undergo training in DIET, Sambalpur. The teachers will undergo extensive training on techno-pedagogy, as part of a 18 day training module.
The Hon'ble Minister was upbeat as regards the training on techno-pedagogy to be conducted by AIFT for the teachers of the selected schools and its critical role in furthering the cause of effective use of technology in teaching. Both the events were attended by the local cognoscenti and received extensive media coverage. The training in both the centre's are scheduled to start from the 25th of October 10.

Sensitization Workshops

Sensitization workshops were held in Sambalpur (Parshuram Mishrs Institute of Advance Studies in Education) and Cuttack (Radha Nath Institute of Advance Studies in Education), respectively as part of the DE Resource Centre Training Model, on the 21st and 22nd of September respectively. Apart from the headmaster's all the important district level functionaries, attended the workshops. The workshops were in line with the proposed three workshops, planned to be held as part of the unfolding of the new model, to sensitize the participants on what the new model is all about, their roles and responsibilities as part of the changed model and last but not the least understanding the importance of effective and appropriate integration of technology in teaching.

State Resource Centre - SCERT

The first phase of the Digital Equalizer Program "Resource Centre Training Model" was launched with the formal inauguration of the State Level Resource Centre in SCERT by Shri Pratap Jena, Hon'ble Minister, School and Mass Education, Govt. of Orissa. The meeting was attended amongst others by Smt. Aparajita Sarangi, Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Govt, School and Mass Education Department, Prof. Dr. Sebak Tripathy, Director TE and SCERT, Director Elementary Education and other senior officials from the Education Department
The State Resource Centre will serve as a feeder centre to the six zonal level Resource-Cum-Training centres to be set up by SCERT in all the three Institute of Advanced Studies in Education located in Sambalpur, Cuttack and Berahmpur (PMIASE, RNIASE and DPIASE) and three corresponding DIET’s (Sambalpur, Dolipur and Khalikote) spread over three revenue divisions. 
The SCERT Resource-Cum-Training Centre will work for the capacity building of teacher educators of six centres, SCERT staff, other teacher educators and administrators of the State Education department. 
A total of 322 people comprising of 119 district level functionaries of the education department, 136 teacher educators and 67  education department personnel from the state level, comprising of Additional Secretaries, Joint Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries and Junior Level Staff .

Resource Centre Training Model

American India Foundation (AIF) in association with the School and Mass Education Department, Govt. of Orissa, is piloting a integrated Digital Equalizer (DE) "Resource Centre Training Model" in 104 schools in Orissa, spread over 6 districts, for the academic year 2010-2012.
AIF started with the DE Program in Orissa with 10 Secondary Schools in 2004 and has covered 160 schools, as of now as part of the classic model, where teacher training is conducted at the school level, by AIF trainers who also double up as monitoring experts. Each of the trainers typically visited a school once a week which was a mandatory requirement. Student training in each of the school was conducted by a facilitator, who happened to be a school resource. 
The typical problems faced as part of the classic model, was that a lot of training time got wasted and the sequencing of the training modules disturbed, because of the day to day contingencies at the school level such as - leave, exams, other work which are treated as urgent justifying the teachers absence from training, sports, annual functions, holidays and simple lackadaisical attitude on the part of the headmasters and the teachers, which was further compounded by teacher shortage, which has become endemic in nature. Over and above this the District Education Authorities had little understanding of the program due to their absence of knowledge on computer fundamentals and consequently failing to appreciate, the subtle issues surrounding the effective integration of technology in teaching. 
The current "Resource Centre Training Model" addresses these issues through a centralized training of teachers, as part of a carefully planned out module, integrating techno-pedagogy, which will be conducted at selected "Resource-cum-Training Centre's" and an apex level "Resource-cum-Training Centre" set up in SCERT, to train the administrators of the School and Mass Education Department, District Education Functionaries and Teacher Educators. A joint monitoring strategy has been worked out to prevent transmission loss.
The current model thus not only addresses the earlier shortcomings as far as teacher training at the school level is concerned but also builds up the capacity within the system, by training the critical functionaries and teacher educators. This combined with a rigorous monitoring structure from the Department down to the school level, will go a long way in embedding the program within the existing system thereby making it sustainable.


As part of my recent visit to Chandigarh I took time off on the 15th of July, with my team members, to visit Kasauli, the picturesque hill station nestled on the foothills of the himalayas. It is located at a distance of about 70 Km from Chandigarh and one needs to take the road to Shimla and with a diversion somewhere midway. The elevation is 6500m above sea level. The route runs through  Pinjore, Kalka and Parwano and the journey after Parwano is breathtaking as one starts the ascent into the hills. We experienced a heavy downpour as we were leaving Chandigarh and were a bit apprehensive as to whether we will be able to enjoy the breathtaking  views on the way up but as luck would have it the weather cleared, and we were able to breath in the crisp air and enjoy the pristine surroundings of Kausauli. We were fortunate to capture a  number of nature shots of cloud covered hills, up the misty road to Kasauli. The journey was throughly refreshing and relaxing. We came back to Chandigarh, a little late because of a traffic jam in Parwano - and of course we didn't mind it.

ILTM Refresher - Chandigarh

A two day ILTM refresher workshop was recently conducted (15th and 16th of July 10) by Ez Vidya, for DE field staff from Orissa and Punjab, in Hotel Park View, Chandigarh. The workshop had the following objectives:
1. Identifying DE Coordinators/Trainers, who have the right mix and potential, to be part of the ILTM resource group.
2. Doubt clearing and facilitation by Ez Vidya experts as far as delivery of the ILTM is concerned.
The methodology adopted was working in groups and presenting topics, rather parts of the topic, alloted to each group, by each of their respective members as internally decided by the members themselves.
This was the first of the three workshops, which will be held for the North and East region, while the ones for the South are being planned shortly. All the three workshops for both the regions will be completed by the 31st of March 2010. 

Sensitization Workshop - Southern Zone

The first zonal level sensitization workshop, as part of the "DE Decentralized Resource Centre Training Model" to be implemented in 104 Secondary and Upper Primary Schools, was held in Dibakar Pattnaik Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (DPIASE) Berahmpur, on the 2nd of July 2010. This was attended by all the respective Headmasters, District Inspectors of Ganjam and Gajapati, District Project Coordinator, SSA, Ganjam, and representatives from the SSA Gajapati office and the Principal and Staff of DPIASE. 
 The main objective of the workshop was to sensitize the participants about the new model and the same time making them understand through examples, what effective integration of technology in teaching learning is all about.  

DE Launch Ceremony - 21st June 2010

 The DE Decentralized Resource Centre Training Model covering 104 schools spread over 6 districts of Orissa, was formally launched on Monday the 21st of June 2010. A inaugural function was organized in The Hotel New Marrion, Bhubaneshwar. The event was attended by the Shri Pratap Jena, Hon'ble Minister School and Mass Education, Govt. of Orissa, Smt. Vandana Kumari Jena, Principal Secretary, School and Mass Education Department, Govt. of Orissa, Smt. Aparajita Sarangi, Special Secretary, School and Mass Education Department, Govt. of Orissa, Prof. (Dr) Sebak Tripathy, Director TE and SCERT and Tarun Vij, Country Director, AIFT.

As part of the expansion of the Digital Equalizer Program to 104 Govt. Upper Primary and Secondary schools from the academic year 2010, American India Foundation, will set up an Apex Level Computer Resource Centre in SCERT Bhubaneswar. This will serve as a feeder centre to the six new resource/training centre’s to be set up by the SCERT in all the three Institute of Advanced Studies (IASE’s) (RNIASE, Cuttack, PMIASE, Sambalpur and DPIASE, Berhampur) and three corresponding DIET’s (DIET, Dolipur, DIET, Sambalpur and DIET, Khalikote) spread over three revenue divisions.
The SCERT Computer Resource Centre will work for the capacity building of SCERT staff, teacher educators and administrators of the School and Mass Education department. The six centres comprising of the three advanced centres and three DIET level centres, will serve as teacher training centres, for the respective schools, within their catchment area. AIFT will impart training in computer fundamentals and techno-pedagogy with the objective of effective integration of technology in teaching through these centres. The hundred schools, will comprise of 52 Secondary and 52 Upper Primary Schools spread over 6 six districts. 646 teachers and 31,761 students will be trained as part of the program. 128 teacher educators and 124 administrators of the School and Mass Education Department will be trained at the apex level resource centre, in SCERT to be set up by the American India Foundation.